April 23, 2007

Day 4 & 5 Recap.

Day 4 (Saturday) went by so quickly that I didn't get to take out the camera. Hopefully someone later will send me pics from that day. The weekend was pretty nice as we had a full set of people to help crew and make things go easier all around.

Here are some pics from Day 5 (Sunday).

The cows were always curious about our set...

... so Doug had Faris around to help wrangle and keep them away.

James and Jake strike a pose in between setups.

Joe's "Camera Truck." Which incidentally didn't quite make it out from the mountains alive. Last I heard it was in the shop. :(

Camera Department on the left (Ling Ling, Joe, Carisa), Doug in the house, James and Jake on the far right.

Eight step ladder madness!

Shower curtain power.

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